Thursday, December 19, 2013

Burlington’s Rainbow Institute Offers A Holistic Approach To Wellbeing

Whether you are a lifelong resident of Burlington, Vermont, or if you are new to the area, do not overlook the Rainbow Institute. It’s our very own unique and tranquil center for well-being, spiritual advancement, and conscious living. The Rainbow Institute is truly a once in a lifetime experience.

This healing and supportive center was founded on its guiding principals that we are all spiritual beings having a human experience and we must follow our own intuition to serve us on our personal path of growth, enlightenment and natural wellness. Here you will discover the many different modalities and teachers onsite, many of which are considered to be masters in their individual area of expertise.

If you ever have the chance to visit the space, don’t miss the opportunity to schedule a private appointment or attend a class or event. Their event schedule is packed with special offerings and classes that are sure to heighten your spirit and bring peace and joy to your day. Their current group class offerings include meditation, qigong, creative writing, reiki, nutrition and many other health and wellness classes. Some of the classes are free of charge or donation only. Their most up to date class schedule can be found on their website at

The Rainbow Institute is also known for what it calls Intuitive Living Classes. These offerings include Soul Personal Development, Spiritual Healing, and a variety of specialty classes, such as; A Course in Miracles, Feminine Spirit of the Living, and Money is of the Soul. Private sessions are also available by appointment with any of the five practitioners onsite. They each offer a unique approach to healing using holistic methods. A private session can be made for an individual, couple or group and accommodations will be made whenever possible to meet your personal needs.

Within the center, there are also a wide variety of wellness books and retail available, including beautiful jewelry and eco-friendly gifts. Take some time from you busy day to browse the gift shop area and see what unique book or stone sparks your attention.

This local center is a wonderful place to visit to support your health and well-being. To learn more about all that the Rainbow Institute has to offer, you can visit them online at or call 1-802-671-4JOY.

Experience this special haven within Burlington, and you are sure to leave feeling renewed and rejuvenated.


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