Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tips To Get Your Burlington Home Ready For Spring

Spring is the ideal time to inspect, clean and conduct repairs to one’s home. Getting these

chores done before summer gives one the chance to enjoy both the indoor and outdoor home environment once the weather warms up for good. Those seeking to sell their homes often find early spring the best time to prepare the property for visits from potential buyers who usually look for new homes during the spring and summer more so than the fall and winter seasons. Here are some important elements to consider when conducting spring cleaning in and around the home.

Begin a Walk Through Inspection of the Home’s Exterior

During the winter months, most people spend a lot of their time indoors. This means that a home’s indoor environment gets regularly cleaned and inspected while its exterior remains largely neglected. The first thing that one should do is to create a comprehensive check-list of items that need inspection, replacement or maintenance and use it to conduct a walk through investigation. Many home owners typically include the following items on their comprehensive check-list:







During winter storms, roof shingles and tiles blow off exposing the home to precipitation if left unchecked for long periods of time. Usually replacing a few shingles is a small price to pay to keep the home protected against more serious damage. The hard part is safely accessing the roof to make the minor repairs. Hiring a handy person to make the repairs is smart if one is not sure how to navigate the roof safely. An inspection of one’s chimney and fireplace by a certified chimney sweep is also advisable.

Cleaning the gutters of leaves and other debris is a relatively easy chore for the average do-it-yourself weekend warrior. Also, nearby trees should be trimmed at this time to prevent excess leaves from dropping into the gutter and eliminate damage to the home’s structure from wind strewn tree limbs.

One should also investigate the windows and doors for potential moisture leaks. Clues that there is an issue with leaks around windows and doors are exceptionally high electric bills during the winter months. Spring is the time to fill in the spaces with caulking and other professional weather-stripping materials. Painting chipped or worn wooden siding as well as making sure water sources drain away from the home’s foundation are additional activities one should consider.

Conducting An Internal Inspection

Indoor items that should be inspected and maintained are the home’s heating and cooling system as well as the air and water filters. Smart home owners also conduct a test of smoke and carbon monoxide detectors during this time and change batteries as needed. Thorough window cleaning also helps to brighten the home’s interior environment.

via http://michaelblanchard.benchmark.us/2014/01/28/tips-to-get-your-burlington-home-ready-for-spring/

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