Friday, March 7, 2014

Spring Holidays And Traditions Around The World

From time immemorial, the Spring season has been a time of celebration as people, animals and plants emerge from our winter dens to enjoy the warming sun and relish in the signs of birth and renewal all around us. There’s no better time for a party, and you can find one just about anywhere you go around the globe!

Many spring-time traditions have roots centered around the Spring Equinox, which kicks off the season in March. The Iranian New Year (No-Ruz) occurs at this time with parties that include dancing, picnics and spring flower displays. It’s also a great time to find deals in the Iranian markets, as the traditions include buying new clothes to celebrate this season of hope and re-birth. In addition to the festivities however, you’ll also notice people giving their homes a good cleaning and making repairs.

Like the well-known Mardi Gras celebrations, the Russian folk festival Maslenitsa is observed just before the Lenten season. There is a great amount of traditional food, dancing and general revelry, including the burning of an effigy of the Lady of Maslenitsa. As the festivities come to a close, leftover goodies are also thrown into the fire. Once it has burned out, the ashes are spread in local fields to fertilize the new year of crops.

In mid-April, Thailand celebrates the Buddhist New Year with a water festival, Songkran. Festival-goers should count on getting wet! In the larger cities, traditions include grand parades, often with statues of Buddha that spray water on the spectators. In smaller villages, youngsters celebrate by throwing water on each other. It is also a tradition to release fish into rivers to show kindness and respect for other living beings.

In England, you can participate in traditional May Day celebrations, including Maypole dances. A tall pole is decorated with ribbons in all the colors of a rainbow. As children dance around the pole, they weave the ribbons tightly around it. Of course, music and food are also a part of England’s celebration of the return of Spring!

Wherever you travel during the Spring season, you’re sure to find a party with unique, local traditions. Perhaps you’ll discover one to make a new tradition for your own family!


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