Monday, November 18, 2013

Preservation Burlington Is Working To Protect Historic Architecture

Designated as one of the prettiest towns in the U.S., Burlington has a proud history. 15 years ago, local residents came together to spearhead efforts toward the preservation of some of the town’s historic buildings. The result was the non-profit group Preservation Burlington, whose mission remains the preservation and protection of such buildings.

Preservation Burlington achieves their goals through both education and advocacy work. Members work through three committees: the Homes Tour, Advocacy and Education committees to show their passionate enthusiasm for historic preservation in the area. The group has been responsible for helping to revitalize historic neighborhoods and for restoring some prominent buildings, including Henry’s Diner and the Captain White House.

In addition to these efforts, Preservation Burlington has been making awards each year, since 2007, to those buildings whose restorations especially deserve recognition. The annual awards are given in three categories: commercial buildings, institutional buildings and residential buildings. For a list of past winners, you can visit their website.

The group sponsors an annual homes tour with each year focusing on a different theme. For instance, in 2011 they highlighted appreciation for homes and public buildings that provided updated designs and uses of space while still maintaining the original historic integrity of the buildings. That year they also hosted a fun history hunt! The focus of their 2010 homes tour was on post World War II building styles and designs. The group also sponsors walking tours of Burlington during the summer months, with special walking tours scheduled at other times. They’ve helped residents and visitors to explore downtown, the waterfront, Old North End and the Pine Street area. They’ve also sponsored cemetery tours.

Educational programs and workshops are among the other offerings of the group, which also has a monthly television show on CCTV Channel 17. You can show your support for Preservation Burlington by becoming a member. They welcome all those who are enthusiastic about the cultural and historic preservation of Burlington. Visit their website to find out more about membership, to purchase an historic marker for your home or to find out about opportunities for volunteering with the group.


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