Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Burlington’s Restorative Justice Panels Help Prevent Low Level Crimes

Restorative justice panels are working to prevent low level crimes that occur inside of the Burlington community. The Restorative Justice Panels are made up of a team of three to five volunteers. These volunteers meet with the victims of the crimes and the offenders. They address the harm that has been caused by the low level crimes. The mission of the Restorative Justice Panel is to hold offenders accountable for the harm that they have caused to others and their actions. The restorative justice panel will discuss ways that offenders can prevent the crimes from occurring in the future.

There are currently three ways that cases get referred to the Restorative Justice Panels:

Alternative Justice

These types of referrals come directly from the police department inside of Burlington. The panel will be used in the place of the traditional court process, (prosecution, conviction). In many cases, Youth Panel cases will be placed in this category.

Reparative Probation

These referrals will come from the criminal court. They are a part of the sentencing order that the judge signs. Offenders will be supervised by the Reparative Service Unit and the Department Of Corrections Court.

Rapid Arrangement Community Court

These referrals come from the state’s attorney office. After the Restorative Panel process has been completed, a person can avoid getting a charge place on the permanent record. However, people will typically be required to pay restitution to the victim. Other requirements will also need to be fulfilled, such as going to counseling or substance abuse treatment.

How Do Victims Get Involved?

In every case, an attempt will be made to contact the victims. A victim liaison volunteer will explain the process. He or she will also support the victim. While some victims will choose to attend the offender’s meeting others will choose to not to attend. People who choose not to attend may ask the victim liaison volunteer to speak on their volunteer. The victim will be kept informed of the process during the entire case.

What Types Of Crimes Can Be Addressed By A Restorative Justice Panel?

Resisting arrest


Underage drinking

Simple assault

Driving under the influence


Possession of marijuana

Buying alcohol for minors

Operating a vehicle in a negligent manner

Disorderly conduct

Impersonating an officer

Petty larceny

Drinking under age

Simple assault

via http://ift.tt/1dvWDF9

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